
Creating Life-Long Resolutions
8 Week Nutrition Course

Did you know that over half of all New Year’s Resolutions are health related? The new year signifies a new beginning. A time to start fresh and better yourself. However, how do you know what exercise routine or diet to follow?  There are so many opinions, marketing gimmicks, and contradictions out there. Whether your goal is exercise or nutrition related, let BJ Grondin and Dr. Cory St. Denis help on your journey to optimal health.  

In our new eight week online nutrition course, we collaborate to educate you on various facets of health, using scientific principles to help with nutrition and disprove diet myths. You will learn the basics of metabolism and why it slows down. We will also teach you about gut health and how to best balance your macros (and micros). The course also offers a sense of accountability and community through goal setting, check ins, and recipe sharing. You will have access to resources shared by the instructors and ample time to ask questions you may have throughout the process. 

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